2016, Number 4
Conventional and sequential therapy in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in patients of Carabobo state, Venezuela
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 729-740
PDF size: 538.83 Kb.
Introduction: the worldwide trend, particularly in South American countries, is the increase in the casuistry of morbidity Helicobacter pylori that causes chronic gastritis so severe that fertile ground for the development of malignancies, this unfavorable situation for the population increase adds inconclusive reports on the effectiveness of conventional and sequential main therapy options for treating H. pylori.Objective: to determine, in a first approach, from a sample of the Venezuelan population, the efficacy of sequential therapy and standard in the treatment of H. pylori in an attempt to provide information to help answer the question about which therapy is most effective.
Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study, based on a review of medical records was performed. The sample consisted of 84 individuals with a diagnosis of H. pylori infection in people gender, diagnosis of infection, diagnosis and therapy used post-treatment was determined.
Results: 67.9% were patients without post infection treatment, 50.9% of these subjects had received standard therapy and 49.1% sequential, without significant differences between the two.
Conclusions: in the studied sample and standard sequential therapy were equally effective in moderate proportion and in the treatment of H. pylori infection and also that this work is the first study in Venezuelan population.
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