2015, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (2)
Notes on affect in psychoanalysis
Becerra HO
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 470-494
PDF size: 605.52 Kb.
This paper develops the passage is from the psychology of
consciousness psychoanalysis locating two historical moments
and two references such as the psychology of St. Augustine in
the V century and Freudian psychoanalysis in the early twentieth
century. We have developed the metamorphosis experienced
by specific theoretical concepts, as it is striking how
modern science builds its conceptual framework from which it
borrows technical concepts from other sciences. But the shift
from one theory to another not only due to historical reasons,
and concludes that a theory inherited concepts. We witness
what epistemologists call refutation of a theory. Following Freud
clinical practice is needed to formulate the notion of trauma to
account for the failure of the psychic apparatus to work out what
happens in the external reality. With the notion of trauma Freud
anticipates what science now calls discontinuismo a concept to
account for the real; ie the unknowable.
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