2016, Number 4
Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2016; 63 (4)
Microbiological monitoring in inpatient
Arias-Marín RE, Velasco-Arredondo V, Juárez-Saldaña M, Bonilla-Zavala OL, López-Ruiz EF
Language: Spanish
References: 4
Page: 219-221
PDF size: 418.28 Kb.
The increase in resistant microorganisms to antimicrobials, is alarming, and a growing resistant to global public health and requires action by all sectors of government and society, which is why it is necessary to know the impact of microorganisms that cause diseases and therapeutic success of antibiotics administered. Given this situation, in our hospital; 981 crops development inpatient analyzed, obtaining a total of 1,223 isolates from April 2015 to March 2016, the sensitivity of each microorganism was related to the therapy prescribed during the hospital stay, classifying it in «sensitive, resistant and does not apply». The results classified as «sensitive» were considered therapeutic success obtaining an average of 79.6%. This project allowed us to know the incidence of isolated microorganisms and resistance to antibiotics administered, provided information to improve guidelines and recommendations on medical prescription in hospitals.REFERENCES