2016, Number 6
Historical outline of Radiology in Cienfuegos
Vega BCH, Padrón VLM, Rodríguez FRE, Roldán FF, Jaureguí RU
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 671-688
PDF size: 575.61 Kb.
The need of providing a better understanding of Radiology in Cienfuegos, is founded on the importance the development and the adequate use of Radiology (currently imaging) has had for the diagnosis of diverse medical conditions in the present century, specially in the last decades, so as the absence of research associated to the origin and evolution of this specialty in the locality. The objective of this paper is to present the elements related with the emergence and development of Radiology in Cuba, particularly in Cienfuegos, and the benefits it has brought about for the population of this city. Aimed at that, a qualitative study was carried out, with a historical and descriptive profile. Aspects related to non medical personnel assistance and teaching are presented and it is alluded to diverse relevant personalities linked to this activity. The emergence of Radiology in the province dates back to the early years of the second decade of 1900, however, it was not until after the triumph of the revolution in 1959, which experienced true technological advances.REFERENCES
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