2016, Number 6
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Medisur 2016; 14 (6)
Sechium edule (jacq) sw: Phytotherapeutic as an antibacterial agent
Frías TJÁ, Ramírez PG, de la Paz LC, Herrero PC, Acosta CY
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 664-670
PDF size: 261.52 Kb.
The emergency of bacterial resistance has
generated new interests in searching medications
with antibacterial power, evidence of that is the
increase, in the latest years, of publications related
to physiotherapeutic natural products with
antibacterial effects. Sechium edule, known as
squash, is one of the plant species promising
ethnopharmacological use with great potential to
counteract the damage which bacteria may cause to
the human organism. The aim of this work is to
deepen on the knowledge of its ethnobotanical
characteristics and its antibacterial effect, to
generate new expectations of additional therapy in
the treatment of bacterial infections. A search in the
main database on scientific biomedical bibliography
available (BVS-BIREME, PubMed, LILACS, SciELO,
EBSCO) so as in Academic GOOGLE with the key
words Bacterial resistance, medicinal plants,
Ethnobotanics, etnopharmacology, bacterial
infections. The information was analyzed in order to
determine the objectives of this work. It was
corroborated that infectious disease caused by
pathogenic bacterial strains is a health problem that
may be fought through alternative medicine,
fundamentally phytotherapy because plants are a
main source of new chemotherapeutic drugs and
Sechium edule one of the most significant
alternative to the solution.
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