2015, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (1)
Educational integration and basic education teaching. Everyday difficulties
Velasco GJR, Pantoja PMT
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 422.60 Kb.
In the context of a teachers mobilization which expresed
dissatisfaction with an assessment process, conducted by the
authorities of the Ministry of Education, a brainstorming workshop
was held and its main purpose was to explore the obstacles that
appear in the school learning process. The workshop was attended
by Primary school teachers, and one of the recurring topics that
was presented in that device was the inclusion of children with
severe physical or psychological problems in the public school at a
basic level. Here we present testimonies related to some of the
teachers´ daily experiences, conflicts of various kinds in which they
are involved, and the way they face these situations. Our intention
was to approach the problems that arise day by day in the process
of educational integration, contrasting them with the official
proposal, based on the premise that school is a place of
constitution of subjectivity.
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