2015, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (1)
From care of the Alzheimer to the care of the identity
Acosta GM, Cánovas RA, Rojas VE, Alfonso MT, Roca PMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 458.32 Kb.
The present investigation possesses as main objective to
characterize the expression of the Psychological Well-being
of a group of people's caretakers with Insanity type
Alzheimer, keeping in mind the existent relationship among
the Identity of Gender, the particular form in that it is
assumed the list of the care and the impact that it possesses
it from face to the well-being; so the study is outlined from
the relationship of two categories of fundamental analysis:
Psychological well-being and Identity of Gender. The Study
of Multiple Cases was implemented, from a qualitative
methodology, being analyzed eight cases from those that a
tendency is evidenced to the decrease of the Psychological,
given Well-being the multiple expressions of dissatisfaction in
each area of life and a prevalence of negative emotional
states. A relationship is either noticed among the gender
identity and the way in that caretaker's list is assumed that it
influences in the well-being, from the naturalization, the
imposition or the pleasure.
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