2017, Number 1
Infecciones de la herida quirúrgica limpia en afecciones músculo-esqueléticas
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 46-52
PDF size: 178.61 Kb.
Introduction: all surgery can get infections. In Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology the materials and the surgical implants increase the risk of infection; its early identification allows applying the adequate antimicrobial intervention. Objective: to identify factors intrinsic and extrinsic risk and present germs in patients with infection of the surgical wound clean and clean contaminated. Method: a prospective descriptive study was realized at “Arnaldo Milian Castro” Hospital. The study population consisted of 122 operated patients over 18 years of the osteomioarticular system between January first of 2013 to December 31st of 2014. Results: dependent risk factors of the patient and the elderly were evident in the third part, smoking, diabetes and obesity and extrinsic risk factors such as placement of devices during surgery and prolonged surgical time. Conclusions: the most frequent germ involved in the infection of the surgical wound of the osteomioarticular system was Staphylococcus aureos and the use of antibiotic prevailed following the clinical judgment and no sensitivity in cultures.REFERENCES
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