2016, Number 5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (5)
Overdenture: effective solution in the rehabilitation of the elderly. Case presentation
Fajardo PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 759-768
PDF size: 105.53 Kb.
Introduction: Aging is a universal and irreversible phenomenon, involving
morphological and functional changes in the oral cavity with age. The fully edentulous
elderly have progressive reabsorption of their residual ridges, leading to loss of
retention and stability of their prostheses.
Objective: To present a case where rehabilitated ball implants, with a removable
overdenture placed.
Case presentation: A female patient of 61 years old attended in the Prosthetics
Implantology multidisciplinary consult of the Educational Clinic of Marianao
municipality, with lower full denture prosthesis with lack of retention and stability,
which had changed repeatedly unable to solve her need. Also it has marked residual
alveolar ridge reabsorption. After a comprehensive evaluation and with the consent of
the patient, we proceed to the placement of two OVD ball implants in 33 and 43 zone
by flap surgery, being restored with a removable overdenture in the same work
Conclusions: This prosthetic rehabilitation allowed satisfying the chewing function,
correct phonation and an appropriate facial aesthetic, all necessary for the quality of
life of the elderly.
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