2016, Number 3
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VacciMonitor 2016; 25 (3)
Determination of organizational competencies and processes in a center of the biopharmaceutical sector
Cadalzo-Díaz Y, Becerra-Alonso MJ, Albojaire-Santamaría M, López-Díaz R
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 77-83
PDF size: 114.53 Kb.
The strategic advantage of the high-tech biopharmaceutical companies depends increasingly on their ability to accumulate intangible assets through a carefully planned and executed process of job competencies creation. However, in order to start this process it is necessary to determine the organizational competencies and of processes in such organizations. This paper aims at determining the organizational competencies and of processes in a representative center of the biopharmaceutical sector from the combination of several methods of analysis. Two levels of analysis are set to achieve the objectives: One referring to the organizational competencies, and the other one referring to the competencies of processes. The documentary analysis technique was applied to elaborate a preliminary version of organizational competencies. A group of experts was created that used the Delphi method in their evaluations. The team work technique to identify the most representative processes of the representative institution and the gap analysis method were also applied, through this latter method the senior management established their perception of the current status and the expected of each of the competencies defined. Among the most signifi cant results is the defi nition and conceptualization of the distinctive organizational competencies of a representative institution of the Cuban biopharmaceutical sector. The competencies associated with key processes and those that are generating maximum value of this type of company were also obtained. The identifi ed competencies can serve as a reference framework and be extrapolated to other centers belonging to the sector.
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