2016, Number 1
Nosocomial urosepsis in an Adult Intensive Care Unit
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: The infection intrahospitalaria constitutes a problem of health for its high frequency, consequences fatal and high treatment cost.Objective: To determine the incidence of infection of the urinary tract in the patients entered in the Adult Intensive Cares Unit of the Teaching General Hospital "Octavio de la Concepción y la Pedraja". Baracoa. January 2014 to December 2015.
Materials and Methods: Were carried out a descriptive and traverse study in and universe constituted by 200 patients, a sample of 102 was obtained. It includes variables, age and sex; the patients were classified by affectation of the infection of the urinary tract, types of surgeries non urological, time elapsed between insertion of the catheter and the appearance of the infection.
Results: The predominant age was the group older than 60 years; the affected sex was the masculine one, of the associated chronic illnesses as factor of risk 100% was infected, among the infectious illnesses they prevailed in the patient affections of breathing infections, skin lesions and subcutaneous cellular tissue.
Conclusions: there was a high incidence of infection of the urinary tract in the critical hospitalized patients in the ICU prevailing in men of the third age, being subjected to abdominal surgery not urological, dirty or polluted, having bigger relevance in those patients that exhibited a higher prognosis of mortality.
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