2016, Number 1
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RCU 2016; 5 (1)
Vesico vaginal fistulae as a complication of gynecobstetric surgery
López TU, Milián ER, Caravia BF, Caravia PI, Collazo AS
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Introduction: Vesicovaginal fistulae (VVF) are one of the most frequent complications
of obstetrics and gynecological surgery, although in developed countries the
gyncecological causes have more incidence than the obstetric ones.
Materials and Methods: An observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study was
conducted in 45 patients diagnosed with urinary fistulas from January 2003 to
December 2013 with the aim of characterizing the patients with complications of
gynecobstetric surgery of these, 30 (66,6%) were VVF, constituting the sample. The
variables studied were age, hospital stay, ginecobstetric cause of VVF, location and
number of fistulous orifices in the bladder, urological surgical technique used and
outcome of it pointing the results in absolute numbers and percentage. The results are
presented in tables and graphs.
Results: Most patients had an average age of 38 years old and the average hospital
stay was 11.4 days. The most common gynecological cause was uterine myoma and
hysterectomy, the surgical procedure used. The most common were the unique
postrigonales VVF, smaller than 3 cm. The urologic surgical technique used was
Trendelemburg and the percentage of success was high and only two patients required
reoperation. Urinary infection and surgical wound complications were the complications
Conclusions: Good results were obtained with the surgical treatment of VVF but
similar studies should be conducted in each working group to evaluate the outcomes of
the techniques used.
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