2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2016; 30 (3)
The training of medical students in qualitative research and text mining during 2015 in Camagüey
Betancourt BJA, Acao FL, Álvarez EM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 669-677
PDF size: 215.11 Kb.
Introduction: Students manifest poor research skills and the training they receive
does not meet these needs.
Objective: to train fifth-years medical students in conducting qualitative research
in education at work to characterize, in this case, elements of sexuality in
adolescents and discuss them with text mining techniques.
Methods: During April 2015, a group of medical students from the University of
Medical Sciences of Camagüey conducted a qualitative exploration in a junior high
school and a senior high school about their first sexual relations and how they
would have preferred as it would have been. Each student wrote on a paper and
anonymously his/her answer to this question, which was transferred into a text
document for each person, later gathered in groups in a common folder which
brought the three groups together. The texts as a whole were evaluated, later on
the words were transformed as to a word family (lemmatization) and the most
frequent words were determined in descending order, we then made a chart to
explain the impact of the most important answers.
Results: the text mining technique permitted the identification of the most
frequent words and to empty them into a graph that made their interpretation
easier; the students were trained in the different stages of qualitative research.
Conclusions: The present work made possible to train medical students to conduct
qualitative research in their education at work activities, in order to characterize
elements of sexuality in adolescents and discuss them with text mining techniques.
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