2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2016; 30 (3)
Contributions strengthening academic program in biochemistry at the university stay in Medicine
del Riesgo PL, Garzón FR, Calderón OMN, Salamanca MAL, Ondo MA, Castillo RF, Pinzón DML
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 567-579
PDF size: 333.10 Kb.
Introduction: The retention of students in Medicine involves development of
strategies aimed at reducing academic desertion. Academic Support Program of the
Universidad del Rosario, has contributed to this achievement from accompanying
students in their learning.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the success and quality in
academic promotion of students from Health Sciences at the University of Rosario,
who entered the Strengthening Program, and previously lost their enrollment in
Medicine because Biochemistry subjects.
Methods: Census study that includes all students enrolled in the program (113)
with reinforcement in Biochemistry subjects from the first half of 2008 to second in
Results: 58 % (n = 66) of students remained and obtaining readmission to the
University and active status likewise undergraduate students in the medical career.
The highest number was registered in the subjects Biochemistry reinforcement I
and II: 42 % (n = 58) and 50 % (n = 56) respectively. 18 % of those who stayed
in college, exceeded the parameter of good academic quality, with notes ≥ 4,0 in
these subjects.
Conclusions: Since Biochemistry context, the Strengthening Program has
contributed to student retention in the medical career and also according to the
challenge of public policy. The loss of quota for poor academic performance 21.8 %
(n = 87) of students who were readmitted to undergraduate indicates the
orientation of activities influencing factors such as social isolation, family or health
problems, and vocational guidance.
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