2016, Number 6
Externalization and resection in colon tumors
Armas PBA, Márquez HJ, Barrabí DA, Martínez FG
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 754-760
PDF size: 348.53 Kb.
Background: an approach to the surgical procedure of the obstructive resection and externalization in colon tumors, which were very common in times when the antisepsis and antibiotics did not exist. Nowadays they are infrequent; especially since the rise of primary suture in colon even the left side.
Objective: to expose the concept of intestinal externalization and its procedures. and the surgeon must keep them in mind for a possible unexpected indication is exposed. The concept of externalizing exposed.
Methods: a search in databases Scielo and Medscape and also in books and journals related to the diverse technical procedures of obstructive resection and externalization in colon was conducted.
Development: according to the chronological order of presence, the technical steps common to all these procedures of are shown, except in the Hartmann, in which they conclude with a gun barrel colostomy. It is particularized in the various procedures from the original supposed of Von Mickulicz, to the above and other variants.
Conclusions: The various procedures are displayed in time, beginning with those of Von Mickulicz, Paul and Von Volkmann that were the first ones and the similarities and differences among all of them. At the end because it is incorrect, it is recommended not to use the term Rankin-Von Mickulicz, as a procedure of resection and externalization since they are two interventions with particularities and differences regarding to the technique.
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