2016, Number 5
Association of metabolic syndrome components with ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetics
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 584-592
PDF size: 352.34 Kb.
Introduction: in today's world the prevalence of metabolic syndrome varies depending on the definition used, as well as age, gender, ethnicity and lifestyle.Objective: to determine the association between the various components of metabolic syndrome and ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetic patients.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and longitudinal study was conducted from September 2014 to December 2015. The target group comprised 350 patients admitted the Internal Medicine Department, leaving a sample of 150 patients who voluntarily agreed, patients from both genders, older than 30 years old and who suffered from diabetes mellitus type 2 were included. A document to collect these data was created. The information available was organized through statistical analysis using SPSS, version 15.0, providing a practical implementation of the objectives.
Conclusions: this research showed a significant percent of individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus type 2, most common in female gender and in those older than 70 years. In the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension showed a greater association with ischemic heart disease, ischemic heart disease occurred more frequently in women and in diabetics (70 years and older), hypercholesterolemia showed a greater association with ischemic heart disease, a relationship between abdominal obesity and coronary heart disease was not evident, smoking predominated in the sample, showing a greater association with ischemic heart disease.
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