2016, Number 5
Causal and conditional atherogenic markers on an active population of workers vulnerable to coronary risk
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 563-570
PDF size: 343.11 Kb.
Introduction: the major cause of ischemic cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis.Objective: to characterize causal and conditional atherogenic markers on an active working population vulnerable to coronary risk.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted at "León Cuervo Rubio" Provincial General Hospital, Pinar del Río comprising workers from the Cannery Factory during June 2011 to December 2012. Target group: 298 workers from the factory, sample: 90 workers who expressed their consent and presented a cardiovascular risk factor. Inferential statistics, χ2 having a 95% of certainty, the mean difference and Student T test at the same level of certainty were used.
Results: 76.6% individuals were detected (40 and 69 years old) with hypertension (34.4%), diabetes (8.9%, including 7 hypertensive patients), with ischemic heart disease (2.2%, one of them hypertensive and suffering from heart disease), and 27 with a single marker of coronary atherosclerosis; 18.9% with systolic-diastolic hypertension with no difference between genders; pathological antecedent of hypertension and causal risk factors with the highest incidence (76.7%); blood glucose levels were measured (altered 19,7%), triglyceride levels were elevated (79.4%) and cholesterol (altered up to 31.3%), no differences between both genders were found.
Conclusions: female predominance is observed, hypertension was the most common causal factor, followed by the elderly; having these two parameters an altered concurrence for some cases. Systo-diastolic hypertension predominated; hypertriglyceridemia was the most altered biochemical variable.
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