2016, Number 2
Economic analysis of the dairy cattle production systems in Zacatecas State, Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 54-69
PDF size: 219.50 Kb.
The objective of this study was to determine the monetary income per animal and the herd composition, physical yields and prices to influence in Gross Value of Production (GVP) of dairy cattle production system in Zacatecas state. We used a descriptive methodology of economics, macroeconomic approaches, and statistic-comparative analysis when contrasting 2013 against 2005. Results indicate that the number of animals brought down 49.1%, in all production systems but particularly in dual purpose, and the family systems. The monetary income per animal increased in the dual purpose (from $4.012 to $8.842) and specialized systems (from $ 44.507 to $ 45.664), while in the family system fell (from $36.226 to $13.101), and semi-specialized decreased (from $29.330 to $ 27.904). The GVP in the dairy subsector diminished - 33.9% from $ 3,608.08 to $ 2,384.95 million pesos (constant 2013). This decrease in the GVP is due to the unfavorable effect of the real prices of a liter of milk that brought down the GVP at 18.9%, while the composition of the herd (by reducing the number of dairy cattle) caused GVP decrease 37.2%, on the other hand, physical yields performance had a favorable effect which increased 23.7% GVP.REFERENCES
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