2016, Number 6
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Gac Med Mex 2016; 152 (6)
On roman philonium
Delgado-García G, Rodríguez-Návarez C, Estañol B
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 838-842
PDF size: 447.21 Kb.
The roman philonium (
Philonium Romanum) is an example of pharmacological poetry. This opiate was conceived by Philo of
Tarsus, who was active during the first century of the Common Era. His antidote was written in elegiac couplets. The conservation
of these couplets is owed to Galen, who reproduced them in the ninth book of On the Composition of Medicines according
to the Places. Most of this Galenic treatise has not been translated into Spanish. For the first time, we offer this prescription
in our language from a French version of the fin de siècle. Additionally, we attempt an exegesis of Philo’s poem.
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