2016, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2016; 61 (4)
Unexpected complication of umbilical catheter placement
Bernal RA, González RG
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 291-295
PDF size: 287.07 Kb.
Because of its relative ease, the placement of umbilical catheters is a common practice in neonatal intensive care units for patients with diseases that endanger their lives. However, this procedure is not without complications; the most common are infections, primarily due to the prolonged residence time of the catheter.
Case report: One-year-old male patient, with a history of umbilical catheter placement because of prematurity and sepsis, with later recurrent respiratory tract infections during his first year of life. He entered the emergency department with vomiting; an apparent abdominal mass was detected and a study protocol was initiated, where intra-abdominal abscess laparotomy was performed.
Conclusions: Infectious complications are the most frequent, presenting within the first seven days of catheter placement. The presentation of this case is remarkable, as an abscess secondary to catheter placement was diagnosed one year later. It is usually treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and, in certain cases, surgical drainage, which was performed in our patient.
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