2016, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2016; 38 (6)
A short review on Medicine and Physiology Nobel Prizes. Cuban presence
Álvarez AM, Sierra BEM, León PMQ, González LI, Delgado CA, Rodríguez DM
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 929-940
PDF size: 223.51 Kb.
The history of knowledge, as the history of the humankind, is marked by a series of
uninterrupted discoveries, beginning from the same human origins and lasting to
our days. With the aim of stimulating and fomenting the development of humanity,
Alfred Bernhard Nobel set up, with his fortune, a found to reward the best annual
discoveries. The main objective of this article was shortly describing the history of
the Medicine and Physiology Nobel prizes, from their instauration in 1901, up to the
last one, given in 2015, emphasizing in the Cuban presence. Many people has
passed through the rewarding podium to receive the recognition for their efforts
aimed to discovering the nature secrets to protect health. Even without receiving
the prize, Cuban scientists also have made relevant discoveries setting rules at the
world level, and deserved nominations together with universally renowned
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