2016, Number 2
Cancer effects in born life expectancy. Havana, 2008-2014
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 38-47
PDF size: 135.38 Kb.
Introduction: It has been described and increase of de death risks by malign tumors. The born life expectancy and years of lost life expectancy are useful indicators in the mortality analysis. Objective: to describe born life expectancy evolution and the effects of cancer on it in Havana population from 2008 to 2014. Methods: a descriptive retrospective analysis. The universe of reference was de Medical Death Certificate emitted in Havana from 2008 to 2014. General mortality rates by malign tumors, born life expectancy and years of lost life expectancy were calculated. The graphic methods were used to analyze time series. Results: A slightly increase risk was found in general mortality rates (from 9, 5 to 10, 5 death per 1000 inhabitants) and a big increase in cancer mortality. The born life expectancy was increased (2014: 76, 6 years). Years of lost life expectancy decreased in 0,6 in this period. Conclusion: In general, there is an increase risk of by cancer because population structure, along with a growth of the number of people with 50 years or older and an increase risk in younger people.REFERENCES
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