2016, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2016; 58 (4)
Interface between bioethics and international relations
Manchola-Castillo C, Garrafa V
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 476-482
PDF size: 205.66 Kb.
Recently, bioethics and international relations have gotten
closer to one another, probably as a result of the motivation of
bioethics to intervene in global affairs. However, this relationship
has only been on the practical level. This study’s objective,
through a literature review, is to highlight the huge potential
that the epistemologies of both areas have to build a more
fruitful dialogue. 18 articles relating both areas were retrieved
from databases Scopus, Web of Science, Bireme and PubMed.
The articles were then grouped in three categories of analysis:
bioethics and global health; international organizations and
bioethics; and international relations and bioethics. This study
concludes that an epistemological approaching between these
areas is desirable and proposes the establishment of two new
areas of study: international relations in health and international
relations from the South, drawing upon the conceptual
basis developed by Latin-American bioethics.
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