2016, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2016; 58 (4)
Underestimation of mortality caused by traffic in Mexico: an analysis at the subnational level
Pérez-Núñez R, Mojarro-Íñiguez MG, Mendoza-García ME, Rosas-Osuna SR, Híjar M
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 412-420
PDF size: 243.44 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the potential underestimation
of mortality from traffic injuries at the subnational level in
Mexico for a period of 15 years and to identify social and
economic variables at the state level that could potentially
be associated with the quality of statistical classification of
Materials and methods. Secondary analysis of
validated mortality databases for the period 1999-2013 was
conducted. Using multiple imputation models, registries that
could potentially be attributed to road traffic deaths were
estimated and the potential underestimation of mortality due
to this external cause was quantified. A simple correlation
analysis was carried out.
Results. The potential underestimation
of deaths from traffic injuries during the period was
18.85% at the national level, with significant variations by state.
From the data analyzed, there was no statistical evidence
of any association of the percentage of road traffic deaths
underestimation with the variables analyzed.
Performance in terms of mortality classification is different
at the state level in Mexico. This information is useful for
targeting interventions to improve the recording of deaths
in the country.
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