2016, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2016; 42 (1)
Clinical-epidemiological characteristics and management of endometrial cancer (2010-2013)
Verrier QY, Serrano VNL, Campos HM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 245.87 Kb.
Introduction: The incidence of endometrial cancer has increased and it is associated
with risk factors present in many perimenopausewomen. The most common symptom
is bleeding and the most widely used treatment modality is surgery.
Objective: Characterize endometrial cancer at "America Arias" Hospital from January
2010 to June 2013.
Methods: A descriptive study was conductedat "America Arias" Hospital, from 1
January 2010 to 30 June 2013. The total included over 40 year patients with abnormal
uterine bleeding in perimenopausal and postmenopausal. Patients with histopathologic
diagnosis of endometrial cancer constituted the sample (n= 49).
Results: The mean age of patients was 60.8 ± 9.9 years. 30.6 % were overweight
and 44.9 % were obese. Postoperative histopathologic examination shows that the
lesion was limited to the endometrium in 14.3 % of patients, but there was invasion of
the two outer thirds of the myometrium in 61.2 %. The extension cervix and adnexa
was 38.8 % and 22.4 %, respectively.
Conclusions: There is a tendency to the appearance of endometrial adenocarcinoma
at increasingly advanced ages. It is associated with risk factors such as obesity,
infertility, and the use of hormone replacement therapy. In addition to surgery, some
patients required specific cancer treatment.
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