2016, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2016; 23 (4)
Functional Dependence and Family Support Perception in the Elderly
Jiménez-Aguilera B, Baillet-Esquivel LE, Ávalos-Pérez F, Campos-Aragón L
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 129-133
PDF size: 225.09 Kb.
Objective: to associate the degree of functional dependence
and family support perception of the elderly.
descriptive and cross-sectional study. Non-randomized
sample by convenience. 298 patients of the Family Unit
no. 21 of the National Social Security Institute (imss) in
Mexico City were included, age from 60 to 86 years voluntary
participated. The data collection tools were the scale
of Lawton Brody and the Family apgar. Descriptive and
inferential statistical analysis was performed.
Results: by
analyzing the family support perception by gender with
the U Mann Whitney test, this was best for women (score
9), than that for men (score 8.3), with a significant difference
(p‹0.003) and with Lawton Brody women showed
less dependence (score 6.37) than men (score 5.38), with
significant differences (p‹0.0001) so, in relation to the gender
there are differences.
Conclusions: it is important to
detect functional dependence at the earliest possible, with
validated scales easy to apply in Primary Care level, in order
to perform strategies of continuous care and actions that
increase the autonomy and independence of the elderly.
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