2016, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2016; 30 (1)
Case study of intervention in a premedical course with aggression problems in a colombian university
Jaimes MG, Mendieta IG, Parra-Gómez ML
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 90.47 Kb.
Objective: Describe educational an intervention of cooperative learning in a group of
students from a premedical course at a private university in Bogotá D.C. Colombia.
Method: Qualitative case study in two phases: a) educational intervention B) impact
of the intervention. Sampling in two phases with the total population and propositive.
It was performed, participant observation and semi-structured interviews in the second
phase with three students.
Results: The group of cooperative work, favored the learning and avoided the
aggression, in this process they were delivered agreed products evidenced in the class
sessions, a blog and a video hosted in Youtube.
Conclusions: The cooperative learning allows to the individuals recognize the others
from respect for the difference, upon assume learning experiences that simultaneously
influence this. It is in this regard that cooperative learning becomes a key element to
overcome the difficulties that can occur in school life.
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