2016, Number 4
Cirrosis hepática y ascitis quilosa, una enfermedad corriente con presentación inusual
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 104-117
PDF size: 1088.53 Kb.
This is a female patient of 61 years with personal pathological history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2 and liver cirrhosis. She was admitted at hospital with a diagnosis of chylous ascites and the probability of lymphoma versus peritoneal tuberculosis and it was performed multiple imaging studies that reported no tumor process. She evolved unfavorably until she presented diffuse peritonitis superimposed, hepatorenal syndrome and taking of the general state with electrolyte imbalance and acid-base. Pathological findings showed liver cirrhosis with diffuse peritonitis fibrinopurulent superadded to chylous ascites; she died with failure of multiple organ. Cirrhosis occupies 0.5% of the causes of chylous ascites.REFERENCES
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