2016, Number 10
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MediSan 2016; 20 (10)
Morbility due to tuberculosis: epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects. Santiago de Cuba. 2007-2011
Romero GLI, Bacardí ZPA, Paez CY, Gondres LKM, Bandera JDC
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 4081-4090
PDF size: 708.60 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of the 323 cases with confirmed diagnosis of tuberculosis was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, aimed at characterizing the incidence of this disease during 2007-2011, for which the percentages and the typified incidence rates were calculated. Among the main results prevailed: Mella municipality with the higher rate of incidence, the 25-34 years patients and the male sex; also, 8 out of 10 sick persons presented lung tuberculosis (81.0%) and the diagnostic procedure mostly used was the microscopic exam of sputum (56.6%). It is concluded that the incidence of this disorder in the territory is markedly higher with less favorable life conditions, and that the male sex and the lung tuberculosis were the most important epidemiological characteristics. The poor performance in the realization of the baciloscopy for the diagnosis of this clinical entity in the studied population was observed.
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