2016, Number 5
The use of teaching literature in the matter Morphophysiology
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 725-730
PDF size: 45.57 Kb.
Studying just the taught lectures on Human Morphophysiology and not the main literature of this matter has become a habit of Medicine students. It is not logical because the function of the lectures is guiding the students in their independent study, without getting deep in the content. The causes of this behaviour are different: lack of interest in the studies, scarce skills for reading and studying, complexity of biomedical matters, and others. This is a very worrying situation, taking into account that in the D Plan of studies that will be implemented, the contents of the main biomedical sciences increase and get more integrated, and a process centred in the student is developed. This is a challenge for the teaching staff that should motivate the students in the use of the main literature, orienting integrating tasks to stimulate them in looking for knowledge. All the before said, motivated the authors to ponder on the causes striking on the scarce use of teaching literature by Medicine students.REFERENCES
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