2016, Number 3
Laryngeal cancer of prince Frederick of Germany
Hernández-Palestina MS
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 231-236
PDF size: 309.95 Kb.
This paper describes the late identification of laryngeal cancer of Frederick III, condition that eventually led to the death in an early stage of life. Throughout the course of the failed diagnostic stage, on several occasions there were involved true giants of laryngology, such as Morell Mackenzie; of cytopathology, as Rudolph Virchow and Wilhelm von Waldeyer. The early demise of Frederick III, a man of liberal and democratic ideas and parliamentary behavior, resulted in the accession of his son William II, conservative, recalcitrant monarchist, who promoted colonialist actions and alliances with the Ottoman Empire and forced France, England and Russia to protect and formed the triple alliance, thereby being defined the two blocks that would be future contenders of the First World War. There will be always doubts about if the permanence of longer life of Federico III would have changed the course of history by avoiding the First World War.