2016, Number 4
Homeopathic treatment for pediatric exogenous obesity
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 442-451
PDF size: 401.40 Kb.
Introduction: overweight management should not be delayed until adulthood, as this would make it even harder to achieve lasting reductions in body weight.Objective: to evaluate the action of homeopathy to treat exogenous obesity.
Material and Methods: a quasi-experimental intervention study was conducted in children aged 5- 18 years at "Pepe Portilla" Children Hospital of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, from January 2013 to November 2014. The sample was intentionally chosen: 98 obese children 5-18 years of age. Two groups were randomly selected: study and control groups. Group I was indicated to practice exercise, going on diet and homeopathic treatment when the symptoms were reported, and for Group II to practice exercises and going on diet. Their development was evaluated in ten sessions. A database was created with descriptive statistical processing and applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric hypothesis test (p = 0.00) to confirm the advantage of therapeutic method used.
Results: female gender prevailed in both groups. There were no differences in the number of children regarding age groups. Breakdown of breastfeeding, low physical activity and high family per capita were risk factors for the development of exogenous obesity. In the study group, 44 patients showed good evolution, 4 patients as regular; while in the control group only 15 patients had an evolution described as good and 28 as regular. Only one of the patients in the study group showed poor outcomes.
Conclusions: homeopathy is a useful therapeutic modality in the treatment of exogenous obesity.
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