2016, Number 4
Characterization of the severe obstetric hemorrhagic in intensive therapy
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 426-433
PDF size: 477.87 Kb.
Introduction: severe obstetric bleeding is one of the most feared complications and it is one of the three leading causes of maternal mortality in the world.Objective: to characterize severe obstetric hemorrhage in the intensive care unit at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" General Teaching Hospital of Pinar del Río, from 2014 to 2015.
Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study was conducted with women after giving birth who suffered from severe obstetric hemorrhage; and admitted to the intensive care unit. The target group comprised 126 seriously-ill women after giving birth; a sample of 37 patients with obstetric hemorrhage was chosen for using statistical processing and the percentage, mean and standard deviation.
Results: an average age of 29.5 years, the gestation period where there were more bleeding, in the period between the weeks 37-41.6 weeks (81.1%), multigravid women bled more, the stay in intensive care unit increased from 1 to 5 days (81.1%), mortality due to hemorrhage accounted 2.7%, uterine atony was the first cause (75.7%), there was a relationship between shock, base deficit, dilutional coagulopathy and need for resuscitation with fluids and blood products. The most frequent complications were hypovolemic shock (100%), metabolic acidosis (56.8%), the hyperchloraemia (83.8%), infertility (54.1%) and massive transfusion (78.4%).There was a 45.9% of reoperation for hemoperitoneum.
Conclusions: severe obstetric hemorrhage remains the leading cause of preventable and maternal complications; hence the multidisciplinary work was aimed at treating its consequences representing the key association to prevent the death of a mother.
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