2016, Number 4
Identification of subpopulations according to sperm head morphometry in men with normal spermiogram results
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 278-287
PDF size: 212.70 Kb.
Introduction: morphometry is a valuable tool to evaluate sperm morphology, as well as, it allows the identification of different subpopulations, which makes possible a better evaluation of spermatozoa morphology.Objective: to identify existing sperm subpopulations in the studied population according to sperm head morphometric variables.
Methods: an analytic observational study of the morphometric characteristics of 1 200 spermatozoa from the seminal samples of 60 men with normal spermiogram results seen in the Assisted Reproduction Unit of Villa Clara province was carried out between January and March, 2014. Methods to analyze conglomerates were used to identify morphometric subpopulations.
Results: three subpopulations were identified in the studied population according to the sperm head morphometry.
Conclusions: only one of the three identified morphometric subpopulations had normal spermatozoa taking into consideration the morphologic and morphometric established criteria.
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