2016, Number 4
Molecular and genetic bases of hypertensive heart disease
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 248-258
PDF size: 223.34 Kb.
Arterial hypertension is a common disease that constitutes a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and causes about 13.5 million deaths around the world every year. More than 65 million people in the United States and a billion in the world suffer from arterial hypertension; nowadays, in Cuba there are 33.8 % of people older than 18 years with this condition. Some previous studies have demonstrated that individual levels of blood pressure depend on genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Its hereditary component has been documented in family, twin and adoption studies, as well as, a list of predisposing candidate genes has been also described. Hundreds of thousands of polymorphic markers have been identified through the development of the Human Genome Project and the availability of genetic mapping, which has allowed mapping around 400 genetic markers related to this disease; that's why, knowledge about the mechanisms related to the emerging causes of this disease, including molecular and genetic bases, is of great importance in order to work in favor of its prevention and the improvement in therapeutic behaviors.REFERENCES
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