2016, Number 3
Learning in Public Health subject through conceptual maps
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 556-565
PDF size: 339.11 Kb.
Introduction: the conceptual maps constitute a very useful tool in the teaching –learning process, to achieve a significant learning.Objective: to determine the impact of the teaching of Public Health by means of conceptual maps in our university.
Method: in the Medical School of Holguin, it the teaching of Public Health by means of conceptual maps was implemented. To give importance to our strategy a sample of 36 students was selected among those (all) that received the topic by means of conceptual maps and another sample of 72 students among the ones that did not have the tool. To assess the difference among the groups, the Student -T Test tool was applied.
Results: the 77.8% of students that studied the topic by means of the conceptual maps obtained four and five points and just the 8.3% failed the test, in contrast with the ones that did not study the topic with the mentioned teaching tool. When comparing the level of quality and the failed one, the students that were part of the strategy got a superior level (47.2%), and the level of failed students was of 13.9%, there were significant differences between both groups.
Conclusions: the use of conceptual maps has made impact in a favorable way in the teaching of Public Health, achieving a significant learning in the students.
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