2016, Number 3
Evolution of adult patients treated with straight wire technique
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 504-516
PDF size: 274.51 Kb.
Introduction: the Straight Archwire Technique has caused a true revolution in fixed orthodontic appliances and its use in adults represents an important tool for the specialists.Objective: to describe the evolution of adult patients treated with straight wire technique after treatment.
Method: a quasi-experimental study was conducted in the period from September 2014 to September 2015. It included 60 patients, aged 19-59 years, who were treated at Orthodontics Department of at the “Mario Pozo” Teaching Odontology Clinic. The examination and study of cases was performed in the dental chair with artificial light by the authors of the research, using a classification set, caliper, millimeter ruler, study models, and periapical and panoramic radiographs.
Results: in the studied patients with positive developments prevailed 88.33%, specifically the age group of 19-34 years with 94.44% and the euriprosopic facial type with 100%. There were no significant differences in the condition of the insertion periodontium in patients before and after the Straight Archwire treatment.
Conclusion: the majority of adult patients treated with the straight archwire technique showed a satisfactory progress without periodontal alterations.
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