2016, Number 4
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Medisur 2016; 14 (4)
Hypertrophic neuropathy secondary to Hansen's disease. A case report
Rodríguez RMO, Herrera AD, Sánchez LA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 475-481
PDF size: 301.63 Kb.
We present the case 49-year-old unmarried woman
treated at the hospital of Cienfuegos. The patient
complained of weakness in the lower limbs and
"numbness" (paresthesia) of all four extremities,
which improved slightly after treatment. A year later,
the muscle weakness and paresthesia worsened,
particularly in the upper limbs. She also developed
hypopigmented skin lesions on the chest and
abdomen. The investigation was initiated due to
suspicion of hypertrophic polyneuropathy. A biopsy
of the hypochromic lesions was performed, which led
to the conclusion that the patient suffered from a
hypertrophic polyneuropathy secondary to
tuberculoid Hansen's disease. We decided to present
this case since a neuropathy is usually slow,
insidious and has a long course in these patients;
however, leprosy reactions can lead to acute nerve
damage, resulting in disabilities and deformities.
Consequently, it is important to act quickly in order
to avoid them.
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