2016, Number 3
Nursing process as developer of professional autonomy
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 183-189
PDF size: 283.95 Kb.
Introduction: The autonomy of the profession based on the nursing process (NP) is addressed therefore its epistemological construction is reviewed, projecting the topic in two perspectives: centrality in the nurse and in the patient.Objective: To show the construction of the professional autonomy through the Nursing Process. The study scenario was a tertiary hospital; four nurses participated applying the process.
Methodology: Combining qualitative approach, action research and case study method of Mckernan was used applying the twelve steps rigorously.
Results: The nursing process is a developer of professional autonomy, as the clinical judgement and proactive defense to the patient were fundamental bases being present as components in various stages.
Conclusions: The NP generated in the participants a change in the perception of the process itself, enabling them to act in partnership with the patient, being able to transpolar from a basic level of attention to the construction of a more complex and committed attention. It also led nurses to stop inferring in the use of medical diagnosis.
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