2016, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2016; 13 (2)
Tobacco and alcohol consumption in Cuban university students
Fernández-Castillo E, Molerio PO, Fabelo RJR, Sánchez HD, Cruz PA, Grau AR
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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Introduction: Alcohol and tobacco are the legal drugs of most frequent consumption among the
young population.
Objective: To characterizing alcohol and tobacco consumption in a sample of Cuban university
Methods: It was carried out a descriptive, non-experimental, and transverse study (
ex-postfacto). The sample was constituted by 1377 Cuban university students. It was used the
questionnaire to evaluate nicotine dependence level and the questionnaire for identification of
alcohol related disorders. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyze was used, specifically
the procedure of forming clusters in two steps.
Results: The beginning of alcohol and tobacco consumption develops fundamentally in the
adolescence around 17 years. A high tobacco consumption in the university students, was not
evidenced, 76.9% of the students declare non-consumption and only 20.4% reported tabacco
consumption. In relation with alcohol consumption was mainly social or of normal form (94,2%),
5.1% can be classified asrisk consumer and only 0,7% have harmful bigger consumption.
Higher consumption rates were evidenced in men than in women.
Conclusions: It is necessary to take into account the differentiated work with the different
groups at risk and to include gender as a variable to be analyzed in the design for preventive
actions addressed to university context.
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