2016, Number 2
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Rev Mex AMCAOF 2016; 5 (2)
Speech therapy and augmentative and alternative communication for patients with spastic cerebral palsy
Ibarra-L VJ, Ruiz-Allec LD, Arrieta-Díaz H, Leos-Ostoa Y
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 47-52
PDF size: 121.99 Kb.
Introduction: There are two types of therapy in the treatment of language disorders in cerebral palsy (CP): speech therapy (ST) and systems of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Objetive: To determine the effectiveness in correcting speech of spastic PC patients treated with AAC and TLO and compared with using only TLO.
Material and methods: Longitudinal, comparative, quasiexperimental in 41 patients of CRIT Yucatan with spastic PC to whom was applied a 1st block of ST and then a 2nd block of TLO with AAC. The speech articulation was evaluated prior to treatment and at the end of the 1st and 2nd blocks with the Battery of Evaluation of the Spanish Language; the average of altered phonemes (AF) between the two blocks was compared by the Student’s T.
Results: Prior to treatment, patients had an average of AF 30/63. After the 1st treatment had an average of 24/63 AF, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.16) compared to the 1st evaluation. After the 2nd block scored an average of 17/63 FA which was statistically significant (p = 0.04) compared to the 2nd evaluation.
Conclusions: ST with AAC improved the articulation of language with better results than the use of only ST.
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