2016, Number 4
Morphophysiology V course’s contribution to medical formation in Transfusion Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 452-462
PDF size: 405.63 Kb.
Background: in many countries the discipline Transfusion Medicine is not included in the curriculum of Medicine career. It is not taught to the residents either. Other courses should contribute to the development in this field of knowledge.Objective: to analyze how the topics in Morphophysiology V course are incorporated in the medical formation and its contribution to the development of knowledge of Transfusion Medicine.
Methods: an analysis on documents of the formation in Transfusion Medicine in different countries and Cuba. Derivation of the objectives related to Transfusion Medicine, from the final objectives of the career in Cuba to the thematic of that subject. The analysis included the topics and con-tents related to transfusion medicine.
Development: knowledge about Transfusion Medicine is provided in different ways in medical universities worldwide. In Cuba this discipline does not belong to the curriculum of Medicine career. Objectives and topics of Morphophysiology V course are related to the topics of Transfusion Medicine discipline. Contents of the course are similar to cell and molecular basis of Transfusion Medicine discipline and are correspondent with knowledge that a general practitioner should have a good command of this discipline.
Conclusions: the program of this course is designed to provide knowledge about Transfusion Medicine. In the implementation of the course there are elements that hinder the achievement of the ob-jectives and affect the quality of the teaching learning process.
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