2016, Number 4
Designing a health education program for elderly people with diabetes mellitus
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 394-402
PDF size: 412.69 Kb.
Background: heart diseases and diabetes are the main causes of death in the Americas, as well as being a common cause for disability, premature death, and excessive expenses for its prevention and control.Objective: to design a health education program for elderly people with diabetes mellitus, in order to increase their knowledge about the disease and the prevention of complications.
Methods: a descriptive and technological development research was carried out at the clinic "Hermanos Cruz", in Pinar del Río, during the first trimester of 2012. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. The whole elderly population with type 2 diabetes, aged 60 years and over (U=1369) was the universe of the study. The sample was composed of 123 patients.
Results: it was a limiting factor in health education for elderly people with diabetes mellitus, since practical and theoretical knowledge was insufficient in the patients.
Conclusions: a health education program for elderly patients with diabetes mellitus was de-signed and proposed. The results of the research were taken into consideration and theoretical and prac-tical tools were provided for education of elderly people with diabetes mellitus.
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