2016, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2016; 18 (2)
The marxist perspective of the education of the values
Pérez FEA, Pérez FMJ, Mursulí GD
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Background: At the present time a wide popularization of focuses Marxists of the educability process exists; nevertheless, exists a deficit in the philosophical foundation, from the Marxist perspective of the educational process. Emphasis is made in the political consequences of the educational process that are profiled from the Marxist optics and It forgets the analysis based on the materialistic conception of the history.
Objective: To summarize the point of view of C. Marx and F. Engels about the man's educability from positions of the materialistic conception of the history.
Development: The concepts of value and virtue were analyzed, and the two philosophical positions opposed about the formation of values and virtues in the personality. The Marxist position is explained in this respect.
Conclusions: For the Marxism the man's educability is feasible, possible; but it considers that it is not as it is usually thought, as if it happened this education in a planned and conscious way; but rather it is an objective and fundamentally spontaneous process, where the teacher's participation is alone influential although in an active way.
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