2016, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2016; 18 (2)
System of interdisciplinary educational tasks to contribute to the learning of the statistical methods
Ledesma SG, Rodríguez CL, Lazo RM, Calderón MMM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: The professional acting of excellence requires, in great measure, the practice of the medicine based on evidences, as well as graduate from the higher education, personal of health able to use the statistic in the scientific investigation as a tool that allows to elevate the quality of the process.
Objective: To propose a system of interdisciplinary educational tasks to contribute to the learning of statistical methods in the investigations, acting as consumer and reproducer of biomedical information.
Methodology: Pedagogic investigation carried out in the University Branch of Cabaiguán. The historical-logical, the analysis-synthesis, systemic, the approach of experts, hypothetical-deductive and inductive-deductive methods were used.
Results: A system of tasks for the search of information and solution to problems that are presented in the student and professional stage, acquisition of knowledge and comparison of results obtained in their investigations with those of other authors.
Conclusions: The proposed system of interdisciplinary educational tasks, besides being based theoretically, has potentialities to incentive the student's motivation and it is feasible its application in the current formative context.
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