2016, Number 2
Factors of risk in the stomatological urgencies. Playa Municipality. 2010
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Background: The activity of prevention and promotion are pillars in the primary attention of health, so in the stomathological integral attention the study of the factors of risk constitutes a decisive list in the handling of the buccal illnesses. Objective: To identify the factors of risk presented to stomatological urgencies of the educational dental clinics: "Docente de Playa" and "Isidro de Armas" between January and April of the 2010. Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was done to patients that assisted to stomatological urgencies services of "Isidro de Armas" and "Docente de Playa" between January and April of the 2010. The sample was from at about 456 patients. A form, previous informed consent. A database using the Excel program was created. The statistic analysis was carried out with the SPSS software on version 11.5. The studied variables were age, sex, and factors of risk presented in stomatological urgencies. Results: The prevailing group of age was the 19 to 34 years old with 27.6% and the masculine sex with 62.5%. The predominant factors of risk were the presence of active cavities of caries with 60.4%, followed by cariogenic diet with 55.3%, both in the masculine sex. Conclusions: The identified risk factors in stomatological urgencies were: the presence of active cavities of caries and the cariogenic diet.REFERENCES
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