2016, Number 4
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2016; 15 (4)
Dentigerous cysts in the 'synclesis key'. On purpose of a case
Gbenou MY, Vergara PLP
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 582-588
PDF size: 101.00 Kb.
Introduction: The permanent first molar is the first tooth springing out of permanent
dentition, and it is an extremely important piece for the development of dental synclesis. Taking into consideration, the anaraxia due to the association of a
dentigerous cyst (DC) to a first permanent molar, "the synclesis key", is bring forward
the following clinic case in a pediatric patient.
Objective: To present a pediatrics patient clinic case that has a DC associated with
the first permanent molar.
Case presentation: Male patient of eight years old, with health history, that present
a clinical absent of the right down first molar (46), and that the panoramic x-ray test
show a radiolucent image associate to the46crown. Was decided a surgical treatment,
proposing the enucleating of cyst wounds. Through a Pathological Anatomy analysis
of the chirurgic piece, the diagnosis of a dentigerous cyst was achieved.
Conclusion: It is concluded that can be found a dentigerous cyst associated to a
retained first permanent molar in pediatrics patients.
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