2016, Number 4
Obstetric morbidity in the Intensive Care Unit at General Hospital 'Aleida Fernandez Chardiet'
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 525-535
PDF size: 180.13 Kb.
Introduction: Pregnancy, berthing and puerperium are processes not free of risks and complications that can put in danger patient’s life which require their hospitalization in an intensive care unit.Objective: To characterize the obstetric morbidity in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at General Hospital "Aleida Fernández Chardiet".
Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective and transversal study was performed in obstetric patients hospitalized at the ICU from 2012 to 2014. With a number of hospitalized patients equal to 117.
Results: The highest number of hospitalized patients corresponded to puerperal. The mean age was 25.9 years old and a gestational age of 25.45 weeks as an average value. 38.6% presented obstetric hemorrhages followed by a 35.1% with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; sepsis was in third place with a 26.3%. The most frequent non obstetric affections were acute bronchial asthma attack, with a 40% followed by bronchopneumonia with 30% of the patients. Caesarean represented 57.6% of surgeries and sepsis; 13.7% most of them in puerperal women. APACHE II was higher in surgical patients.
Conclusions: The most frequent obstetric affections leading to admission in the intensive care unit were obstetric hemorrhages and hypertensive disorders in puerperal women.
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