2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2016; 42 (3)
Brazilian scientific production about the dimensions of vulnerability and child health
Assunta BM, Ferraz L, Aguiar R, Kades AKC, Zeni RM, de Lima TL
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 459-469
PDF size: 116.13 Kb.
Vulnerability is an indicator of social inequity and inequality and should take into
account the dimensions related to the individual and its social place. The objective
was to present the Brazilian scientific production on vulnerability and child health
and to underline relevant topics for public health practice. A comprehensive review
of articles published from January 2003 to May 2013 was made in the data bases of
the Virtual Library of Health database/BIREME. The single term “vulnerability” and
the keyword “child health” were used. Both terms were then crossed, selecting
“comprehensive method”, “all the indexes” and “all the sources”. The five selected
articles showed reflections on the individual vulnerability, stressed the child as a
human being in incipient process in the world, in development phase, and in
physical, mental, cognitive, emotional and affectionate development. They also
referred social vulnerability, the contextual factors and the insults to child´s health,
and the programmatic vulnerability of the child associated to health action planning
and management. It is then concluded that shortage of articles shows weaknesses
in research studies on the topic, which has an impact on the available knowledge
about the care dimensions. The findings allow approaching vulnerability to the
family, economic, community and political complex where the child is involved and
point out the intervention possibilities that may qualify the care of and attention to
this population group.
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