2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2016; 42 (3)
Educational intervention for apprehension of the gender approach in infants
Lozano LA, Rodríguez WN, Castañeda AIE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 385-395
PDF size: 93.53 Kb.
Introduction: At early ages, recognizing the gender as a modifiable social
determinant encourages health culture. The use of literature as a learning means is
a new way of achieving flexible and equitable relationships of respect among
infants, and at the same time, developing sensitivity towards several topics such as
Objective: To develop educational intervention for apprenhension of gender
approach for health in girls and boys.
Methods: Research-action conducted in “Felipe Poey” elementary school in Plaza
de la Revolución municipality from 2012 to 2013. The study group was made up of
sixteen 4th grade school children aged 8 to 9 years, who were selected by intention
criteria. This research consisted of three phases, the two first with three sessions,
and the last one having five sessions. The methodology was based on one of the
principles of people´s education, that is, practice-theory-upgraded practice.
Results: It was confirmed that individual beliefs and experiences of infants came
from discriminatory sexist representations, which was used as the starting point to
guide theory and contributed to improve knowledge on gender and health. The new
knowledge could be confirmed at different moments of the sessions.
Conclusions: The proposal contributes to change the sexist perceptions by girls
and boys related to the gender roles and stereotypes, into behaviors, criteria and
assessments that show the aprenhension of gender approach as well as the
infant´s willingness to become gender promoters for health.
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